How to Enjoy Eating Healthy


Healthy eating is about embracing vegetables, whole foods, and healthy natural fats, while reducing processed and refined sugars and carbohydrates. This helps promote health, reduce risk of disease, and manage weight.

But it can be difficult to change how you think about food. We tend to categorize foods as either healthy or unhealthy or good or bad.

Make a meal plan

To enjoy eating healthy, it’s helpful to start by making a meal plan. It can help you avoid overeating by controlling portion sizes and limiting the amount of sodium (table salt) and added sugars you consume. You can also make sure you get plenty of nutrients by filling half your plate with vegetables and whole grains, and adding lean proteins like chicken or fish to your meals.

To make a meal plan, draft up a basic calendar for the week and slot in times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can use a simple pen and paper, or find free meal planning apps online.

Don’t forget to plug in any meals you will be eating out so that you can plan accordingly. And don’t feel like you have to stick to your meal plan 100% of the time–meal planning doesn’t mean having plain chicken breasts and celery every night! Just try to make it a general guide.

Have a treat once in a while


Treats can be a huge temptation, but eating healthy isn’t about completely eliminating all your favourite foods. Having a treat once in a while can help you stay motivated and enjoy your food. Just be sure to limit how often you have treats and to keep their portion sizes small. It’s also important to remember that a treat shouldn’t be seen as a cheat meal or a failure. If you have a slice of pizza or some birthday cake, just make sure to enjoy it mindfully and eat a balanced diet the rest of the day, sneak a peek here.


If you don’t have a balanced lifestyle, it can be very easy for your occasional treats to become daily habits. What may have started as a craving for chocolate or an afternoon glass of wine, can quickly turn into a daily addiction. It is important to understand your triggers and learn to be in control of your urges, rather than being controlled by them.